Are you ready to discover time and energy for health and wellbeing success, and overcoming mindset and habits?

Your weekly wellbeing boost is perfect for those striving for success, who are seeking energy, focus, solutions for struggles, a mindset boost, knowledge, weight loss and empowerment in the pursuit of success.

Lets face it, you know deep down that you have been wanting to make a change …. FOREVER!

(‘heck you have repeated that sentence aloud countless times)

But how do you put a system in place that GUARANTEES you get success?


Join our FREE “The Wellbeing Sherpa Learn and Chatsession

and unlock your potential of having the time or freedom to achieve your dreams

These are some of the topics covered during The Wellbeing Sherpa Learn and Chat Weekly Session

  1. Striving for Success? No Time for Health and Wellbeing? My Top Remedies
  2. Sugar is Rotting Your Brain: Solutions for a Smart Mind and Healthier Body
  3. Sleep in The New Sexy: My Top Hacks to Sleeping All Night
  4. The Real Answers to Losing Weight in Less than 2 Days
  5. Have a Hormone Huddle: Master the Hormone Topsy Turvy Rollercoaster
  6. Does Cardio Equal Better Health? Alternative Ways to Exercise With a Hectic Schedule
  7. Stress Gives You Belly Fat: Put on the Breaks for Inner Calm
  8. How to Actually Break Bad Habits: Unleash Your Focus with My Classified Take
  9. Healthy Energy Power Ups: My Strategies to Replenish and Maintain Your Inner Batteries
  10. Self-Sabotage No Go Area: Overcome Self-Doubt and Saboteurs on Your Wellness Trek
  11. Poor Gut Health is Not Attractive: My Approach to Fighting Digestive Ambushes
  12. Solve the Nutrition Cliff Hanger: Simple Diet Fixes for a Fast-Paced Lifestyle
  13. Plant Power Party: The Mighty Force of Veganism for Health and Wellbeing

Just a little mention of our successes


The above results are from an entrepreneur and a professional, who started on day #1 without confidence or focus, but by day 5 they had lost a few pounds, felt more energized and empowered.

Awesome – right?

I could continue talking endlessly, but let’s cut to the chase.

You could Google solutions to your problem. But you have tried and failed on so many occasions, sabotaged by thinking, habits, and behaviours that you can not seem to shake.

The big question is:

Can you really do it alone?

Are you doing the best that you can with a strong mindset and confidence, that will help you be successful at achieving your goals?

If not, and desire guidance on how to do it.

Are you ready to elevate your wellbeing and connect with like-minded leaders?

Then join the FREE Learn and Chat sessions below

Who Am I? – Mia Arrowsmith

In over 30 years, I have gained numerous qualifications, extensive knowledge, and vast experience, including managing a gym of over 6,500 members for a national gym chain, motivational and wellbeing speaker, course programme lead and writer, public sector health trainer, personal trainer and studio class instructor.

I have worked with a variety of people, coaching at company level to sole traders, from those with lacking in mental strength, fitness and good nutrition ….. to world champion sportspeople.

The variety of businesses I have worked for include Blenheim Palace Triathlon, GB Ultras, HM Prison Service, Inflatable UK, Ironman Triathlon UK & Europe, Limelight Sports, Manchester Marathon, Musclefood, Spartan, UTMB and Xercise4Less.

Additionally, I have been a company secretary and director for a merchandising and retail company, gaining the UK merchandise licence and fitness video contract, for a globally recognised television programme.

My passion is the power of mindset and the importance of looking after ones own health. I am a vegan ultra runner and an all-round lover of well-being, fitness and sport.

In my life, I endeavour to help others to live a balance life – mind, body and soul: to find the right balance between eating healthy, whilst having the odd treat. And to find the right exercise activity that suits their personality and lifestyle. And I believe that the mind is the linchpin to it all!

The ultimate mind-shifts sessions for ambitious people striving for success